Clerical & Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities
Class Parent (two per class)—Individuals will attend monthly HSA meeting; assist the teacher; communicate classroom and school news from administration/teachers to parents; organize parties; involve other parents in school socials, fundraisers, and activities; support publicity and vendor solicitations of certain events. Responsibilities include call downs to class families upon the request of the administration or teacher when IRIS is unavailable; communicate pertinent school information or news. Most administration can be done at home. Teacher will issue grade-level details.
Time commitment: 30 minutes to an hour - time of day flexible (responsibilities vary by class). Administration can be done at home.
Bake Sale — Assist in the monthly bake sales including set up, sales, and clean up; facilitate as needed; parents are asked to volunteer for their child’s grade bake sale.
Time commitment: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM on half day, generally
Collate, Mail, and Staple—Assist in run-off, assembly and distribution of materials (newsletter, flyers) to teachers, students, and families; assist in external mailers for fundraisers, social activities, and miscellaneous items including copy, sort, staple, stuff, label, etc. Some of the administration can be done at home.
Time commitment: An hour or two-- time of day flexible; as needed basis
Shoppers—Assist periodically in running errands on behalf of the school; purchase goods and items for events and programs. The shoppers will organize list; keep record; purchase items; deliver to school; support event chairperson.
Time commitment: Varied hours-- time of day flexible
Field Trip and Assembly Chairpersons—Coordinate with principal and HSA president to provide a school-wide assembly program. Assist teachers in planning learning experiences outside of the classroom. Research and plan events; act as liaison between principal, HSA president, teachers, and/or organization.
Time commitment: Varied hours-- time of day flexible
Dads’ Club—A father’s group dedicated to promoting a sense of community and help meet the goals of the school. They support and/or organize school activities and social events, such as the parent fall social, spring golf outing, and street fair.
Time commitment: Varied hours-- time of day flexible
Solicit Donations—Work with committees to reach out to vendors for donations; write letters of request and thank you letters (standard form letters provided); record in a database.
Time commitment: Varied hours-- as needed
Hospitality—Create an atmosphere where people feel welcome and provide refreshments (i.e., make coffee); set up refreshment table; greet guests; clean up.
Time commitment: A couple of hours
School Store—Items with the school logo (including the annual Christmas ornament) are sold online and periodically during the year. Create order form; collect and tally orders; sort order upon arrival; organize merchandise; sell on store days. If online, manage website.
Time Commitment: A couple of hours; time of day flexible
After-School Enrichment Parent Volunteers—Adults, who under the supervision of the teachers/coaches on duty, assist during the After-School Enrichment program. Supervise the children at the activity, be responsible for sign-in and sign-out, and assist the teacher or coach.
Time commitment: Approximately one hour each week for the duration of the program