Event Volunteer Opportunities
Socials (for children, families, and/or parents)—May include activities such as Parent Breakfast Social (October), Halloween Socials (October), Parent Evening Social (November), Mom’s Night Out (January), Valentine’s Day Ice Cream Social (February), Family Game Night (March), etc. Responsibilities include: create flyers, set-up, decorations, ticket sales and processing, crafts and activities, clean-up, post event wrap up.
Time commitment: Varied hours—mornings, afternoons, and evenings
Note: Socials similar to these will occur throughout the school year. New ideas for social events are always welcome and can be presented at any HSA meeting or to your specific class parent.
Ceremonies—May include Grade 8 Ring Ceremony, Graduations, etc. Assist with organization; set-up; clean-up; refreshments, post event wrap up.
Time commitment: Varied hours—mornings and evenings
Family Picnic—Simple gathering with minimal preparation to welcome (back) all families. Responsibilities include: applying for park permit; plan games; make flyers; greet; clean-up for this event, post event wrap up.
Time commitment: Approximately one hour pre-event—2-3 hours at event
Breakfast/Lunch with Santa—An annual holiday event (3-4 sessions) held typically on a Sunday in conjunction with the Book Fair; Santa visits, live entertainment, crafts. Responsibilities include: set-up; decorate; perform kitchen duties; sell ticket/raffles; plan and carry out children’s activities; clean-up, post event wrap up.
Time commitment: A couple of hours-- morning and afternoon, day of event
Scholastic Book Fair—An annual event, this sale is generally in December and is held during school hours and on a Sunday after Family Mass in conjunction with the Breakfast with Santa. Set-up; help students make selections; reorder; collect payments; box all remaining books, post event wrap up.
Time commitment: Varied hours, time of day flexible
Holiday Store—A festive mini-store is set up during the school day to provide an opportunity for students to experience the joy of giving by purchasing inexpensive gifts for family and friends; store runs in December. Order; set-up; assist students in shopping/purchasing; clean-up; pack-up, post event wrap up.
Time commitment: 1 set-up day plus event hours
Grandparents’ Day—A day to celebrate grandparents, which includes a welcome reception and classroom activities. Assist teachers with communication to families, assist with the planning and set-up for the day, help with hosting and event breakdown, post event wrap up.
Time commitment: 2-3 hours at events—mornings and/or afternoons